How to Make Consistent Income With Paid Surveys, And Avoiding Those That Don't Pay
Most people start taking surveys because they want (or need) to make some money. So it is a little discouraging to find that a bunch of survey sweepstakes are only offering sweepstakes entries as compensation for your time, or that you just aren't getting paid the kind of money you thought you would. In fact, it might be great for some people to collect a big payout on the sweepstakes, but for unlucky souls like me it means getting absolutely nothing. Here is how to find consistent income through surveys, and get some free products too. 1. Register for Multiple Survey Companies. A big mistake people often make is not registering for enough companies. Since "Company A" may have a ton of surveys one month and not the next, why not register for B, C, D, E, etc. and keep your opportunities open. The more companies you register for, the choosier you can be with which surveys you take and which ones you pass on. 2. Regarding Sweepstakes-Type Panels. Remember how I just s...